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photo by Talia Hodge
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photo by Talia Hodge
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photo by Talia Hodge
Prioritize self-care by choosing from six to eight relaxing modalities at Mystic Float & Wellness Center in Canton.
“It’s a space of calm and healing and being able to decompress, de-stress and self-care,” says owner Julie.
She fell in love with floating after trying it in 2016, buying Mystic from its previous owner in 2021. The facility features two enclosed float pods. At 7 feet long and 4 to 5 feet wide — filled with 10 inches of 95-degree solution — they’re completely dark and silent (unless the client turns on a light and music). Once acclimated to the temperature, you don’t notice any sensory input as you float — buoyed by 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt. Floating helps with inflammation, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, detoxification, muscle aches, sports recovery, anxiety and joint pain. Many clients say it’s the most relaxed they’ve ever been.
“It’s a chance to be quiet and still,” Julie says. “I process a lot of stuff when I’m floating, and I get ideas.”
Contemplate further in the Himalayan salt cave — a room made almost entirely out of 4,000 pounds of the mineral. A halo generator grinds pharmaceutical-grade salt into micro-particles and distributes them into the air, aiding your respiratory system. Relax with blankets in reclined zero-gravity chairs as meditation music plays.
“It helps loosen up mucus, boost your immunity,” Julie says. “Salt has a negative ion charge, which can fight free radicals in your body.”
For greater clarity, hook up to the oxygen bar via nasal cannulas and breathe 98 percent oxygen. Try one — or all four — aromatherapies, including lavender lemongrass, Hawaiian ginger and bergamot, bayberry and eucalyptus. The bar oxygenates your blood and cells, with benefits including brain balance, concentration, headache relief and more.
“I’ve had folks coming out feeling euphoric and really clear,” Julie says.
During stellar light wave crystal therapy, relax on a 24-pound amethyst massage mat, featuring infrared heat. Wear an eye mask and listen to meditation music through headphones as a diffuser releases lavender aromatherapy and seven different colored chakra-positioned crystals energize you, helping with inflammation, muscle aches and detoxification.
“The crystals balance and align your chakras,” Julie says.
Also try an infrared sauna, reiki, massage and free yoga on Wednesdays. Julie has seen Mystic provide healing — including for one client, who is in recovery from addiction.
“Floating has helped him deal with emotions of that and helped him get back to being more balanced and being able to get through his recovery better,” she says.
Gift cards available, 4612 Tuscarawas St. W, Canton, 330-915-6045, mysticfloatwc.com