Clean Up Akron Month
Downtown Akron Akron, Ohio
Keep Akron Beautiful is encouraging all area residents to get involved in the 2013 Great American Cleanup™, by participating in the 32nd annual Clean Up Akron Month during April 2013. This year, we are cleaning up for an entire month, with the culmination event taking place on SUPER SATURDAY, April 27, 2013 at the Akron Zoological Park. We look forward to cleaning up with you, your civic groups and your families in April. Please sign up online at You can choose the location that you will be cleaning up and we will prepare all of your supplies for you. Each group that registers to clean will be invited to our Super Saturday Celebration on Saturday April 27th at the Akron Zoological Park. Complimentary tickets will be given, lunch will be served and each group will be recognized. Sign up to keep your city beautiful!
For 32 years Keep Akron Beautiful has been working to recruit thousands of civic-minded volunteers to adopt a public parcel of land to clean during Clean Up Akron Week. This year, Akron volunteers will be joined by the 3.5 million national volunteers who hold litter and debris cleanups on public lands and waterways, host recycling drives, spruce up community amenities like parks and playgrounds, remove graffiti, plant trees and community gardens, and host many more activities designed to improve the living environments that we all call “home”.